AXS Recovery Fund
The AXS Recovery Fund has been developed to help people living in Dumfries and Galloway with alcohol or drug misuse issues in their recovery process. The AXS Recovery Fund is also available to groups.
Applications are considered by members of the AXS Recovery Group, and each is considered on its own merits. The panel are keen to support as many people as possible, but applications must be completed by a member of staff from one of the ROSC partners and must meet some or all of the eligibility criteria.
How much can I apply for?
It is anticipated that grant awards will not exceed £150 – £200 per individual, except in exceptional individual circumstances.
Eligibility Criteria
- The person you support must be currently accessing one or more of the drug and alcohol recovery services and have a recovery plan in place.
- People involved in recovery communities can also apply, if supported by the ADP support team
- The person / group must live in Dumfries and Galloway.
- The person / group must be able to demonstrate that the award will help them progress with their recovery.
- All applications must be submitted by a member of staff who has agreed the request to be appropriate.
- All applications must be countersigned by the manager of the organisation completing the application. or it will not be considered.

What can I get funding for?
The panel are keen to encourage individuals to be as creative as possible to ensure that they get the most out of the award. You must ensure that the item or activity can be demonstrably linked to an outcome from your individual recovery plan.
How to Contact Us
Rather than be prescriptive about what AXS will or won’t fund, please contact the AXS Partners with your ideas prior to making a full application. However, it is unlikely that AXS can support applications for household goods including carpets.
Contact prior to making a full application.
The AXS Recovery Fund is managed by ADS on behalf of the Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol and Drugs Partnership.
Application forms and guidance is available to download here